Saturday 23 June 2012

im back

I have the internet at home again!

More updates to follow soon inc a finished model

Thursday 31 May 2012

Introductions are in order


My names Phil also know as Manners.  Ive been intersted in wargaming now for over 20 years and ive played a hell of a lot of systems and painted a hell of a lot of models.  But when I started playing warmachine/hordes in MK1 I had an idea of doing a trollbloods army but using cryx parts to represent the kriels of the Scharde isles.  Obviously this has been on the back burner for a great many years with ideas popping in and out of my head over the years.

This last year I decided to do a Cryx army again and what I have been doing is keeping all the spare parts ready to do the army.

What I want from this blog is just to showcase my cryx trollbloods as I build them and play with them.  Im moving house at the moment and plan to start he project proper in a few weeks  the idea is to do the cryx trollbloods army for 2013 and use them throughout the year.  Obviously if they are done before then I will start using them but until then im gonna concentrate on my Cryx.  But anyway here are some ideas that I have so far...

Give each a baneknight shield.  For UA use banethrall ua standard pieces
change the swords on the fellblades for baneknight axes - stick onto brass rod
greenstuff helmets and shoulder pads maybe use baneknight shoulder pads
Use bloodgorgers, add maxmini steam backpacks and biohazard heads plus pipes
add spikes & blades to the gun, helmet and shoulder pads.  Make sure all have a helmet & shoulder pads OR chop in half and stick onto blackbanes lower half
use bane thrall champion axes, add armour plates, add helmet
Hooded trolls
drill out the face and paint black
mix with egaspy bottom half
convert gerlack and add madrak bits 
convert gerlack and add madrak bits
add pipes and barrels - make them look similar to brute thrall.  Add spare helljack parts as well
use mauler hands and add in barrels of necrotic slime. 

But anyway stay tuned
